Hai Africa

Some of our numbers

29 Children with educational funding in elementary school
90 Children with education and nutrition
558 Dental assistances over these 5 years
760 Medical assistances over these 5 years
Hai Africa

Support for local development

  • We support 12 local suppliers
  • We employ 24 people from the community
  • We offer new professional training to 15 women from Kabiria
Hai Africa

We have an engaged team

  • More than 40,000 brigadeiros sold during the campaign.
  • More than 20,000 pieces sold at the Bazaar.
  • More than 150 volunteers.

Our programs

Hai Africa

Hai Center School

Hai Centre: where it all started! Hai Center is our pre-elementary school located within the community of Kabiria. Here we encourage social, psychological, and physical development of children ranging from 2 to 6 years old using Waldorf pedagogy and nutritious food.
Hai Africa

Continuing education

Due to difficulties in accessing education, school dropout rates in Kenya are high, so when our Babies reach the age of starting elementary school, we work to ensure that they remain in school, establishing partnerships with local schools and raising the necessary resources for them to continue their studies. Our plan is to soon have our own elementary school in the community.
Hai Africa

Schooling and Training for our teachers

Hai now has three teachers dedicated to our Babies and it is our responsibility to provide the best education for them as well. We believe in the importance of investing in local women so that they can grow and also bring the best to our classroom. We are proud to have funded the teachers Jane and Leah's colleges and continue to fund teacher Annette's.
Hai Africa


Professional training project for our Babies' Mamas! At our company, founded in partnership with Project Três, they learn how to produce and sell handicrafts made with soapstone.
Hai Africa

Hai Brazil

We dream of launching the Hai Africa model in communities in Brazil based on our experiences and learnings in Kenya. In the meantime, Mariana, our CEO and founder, conducts lectures and consults in Brazilian educational institutions.

We believe that together we can do more!

For this reason, we seek to partner with other organizations in order to join forces to strengthen our goals and spread our values. We believe that establishing partnerships contributes to making significant changes. Meet our partners:

Meet our partners:

Our awards