Impulsionando o Desenvolvimento Infantil: A Importância da Contação de Histórias...
Mariana Fischer0
Você já se pegou envolto na magia de uma história? A frase "Era uma vez..." é como um convite para...
Quênia, a joia da África Oriental
Mariana Fischer0
Bem-vinda ao Quênia, a joia da África Oriental! Situado ao longo da linha do equador, o...
What can the female protagonism of the Kabira community tell...
Beatriz Coelho0
The prominence of women from the Kabira community in raising and supporting their children combines care practices with political action. However, this female role is not at all romantic: it is a social construction.
After all, is Africa a country?
Beatriz Coelho0
No, Africa is not a country — it's a continent. And, contrary to what many people think, it is not a homogeneous region inhabited by a single people.
Environmental racism: which people suffer most from disasters?
Beatriz Coelho0
Racism stems from a simple (and sad) calculation: the more people are excluded from their socioeconomic context, the greater their chance of suffering from environmental disasters.
Why is female empowerment a collective noun?
Beatriz Coelho0
Far beyond a t-shirt phrase, female empowerment is an important tool for rethinking feminism. That's why it must always be...
4 tips for those who want to do volunteer work...
Beatriz Coelho2
This article aims to reflect on what voluntary work is and, especially, to indicate a path for those who want to do this type of work but do not know where to start.
How (and why) do you see Africa?
Mariana Fischer0
Note: Text written by Karoline Tubben - The first – and oldest – answer attributes responsibility to colonialism. It...